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:: جلد 22، شماره 4 - ( پائیز 1399 ) ::
جلد 22 شماره 4 صفحات 695-686 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
برنامه کاربردی مبتنی بر تلفن هوشمند برای آموزش بازتوانی قلبی به بیماران سرپایی: طراحی و ارزیابی کاربردپذیری
مهرداد فرزندی پور ، علیرضا فرخیان ، احسان نبوتی ، خدیجه میرعلی ، شیما انوری تفتی ، حسن رجبی مقدم
چکیده:   (3629 مشاهده)
هدف: با توجه به روند افزایشی بیماری‌های قلبی و عوارض آن‌ها، فعالیت‌هایی نظیر بازتوانی قلبی می‌تواند باعث کاهش عوارض و بهبود سریع‌تر بیماران شود. امروزه مداخلات مبتنی بر تلفن‌های هوشمند پتانسیل خوبی برای افزایش مشارکت بیماران در درمان خود دارند. بنابراین هدف از این مطالعه طراحی و ارزیابی کاربردپذیری برنامه کاربردی مبتنی بر تلفن هوشمند برای آموزش بازتوانی قلبی به بیماران سرپایی بود. مواد و روش‌ها: این پژوهش توسعه‌ای-کاربردی در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی کاشان در سال 1398 انجام شد. به منظور تعیین محتوای اطلاعاتی و قابلیت‌های برنامه کاربردی، چک‌لیستی با استفاده از متون مرتبط تهیه و از 10 متخصص قلب و 10 پرستار نظر‌سنجی شد. بر اساس نتایج نظر‌سنجی، برنامه کاربردی در محیط جاوا و بر روی سیستم عامل اندروید طراحی و ایجاد شد. ارزیابی کاربردپذیری برنامه کاربردی با استفاده از روش بیان افکار و پرسش‌نامه استاندارد ارزیابی کاربردپذیری سیستم (SUS) توسط 10 بیمار قلبی، 10 پرستار و 10 متخصص قلب انجام شد. یافته‌ها: مهم‌ترین محتوای اطلاعاتی در زمینه آموزش بازتوانی شامل، رژیم غذایی، فعالیت بدنی و داروهای مصرفی و مهم‌ترین قابلیت‌های آن شامل، ثبت تعداد نبض، ثبت میزان کلسترول مضر، محاسبه شاخص توده بدنی و نمایش نمودار میزان تری‌گلیسیرید بود. نتایج ارزیابی کاربردپذیری نشان داد بیماران، پرستاران و پزشکان برنامه را به ترتیب با میانگین امتیازات 25/74، 5/74 و 36/75 در سطح مطلوب ارزیابی کردند. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به نظرات کاربران در این مطالعه، می‌توان از برنامه‌های کاربردی مبتنی بر تلفن‌های هوشمند برای انتقال مطالب آموزشی به بیماران قلبی جهت جلوگیری از وقایع حاد قلبی، اصلاح سبک زندگی و آموزش بازتوانی استفاده نمود.  
واژه‌های کلیدی: بازتوانی قلبی، خودمراقبتی، پزشکی از راه دور، تلفن هوشمند، برنامه کاربردی تلفن همراه
متن کامل [PDF 978 kb]   (1118 دریافت)    
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: عمومى
دریافت: 1398/11/30 | پذیرش: 1399/3/21 | انتشار: 1399/7/9
فهرست منابع
1. [1] Naghavi M, Abajobir AA, Abbafati C, Abbas KM, Abd-Allah F, Abera SF, et al. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of disease study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1151-1210. [DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32152-9]
2. [2] Diem G, Brownson RC, Grabauskas V, Shatchkute A, Stachenko S. Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases through evidence-based public health: implementing the NCD 2020 action plan. Glob Health Promot 2016; 23: 5-13. [DOI:10.1177/1757975914567513] [PMID] [PMCID]
3. [3] Smith SC, Benjamin EJ, Bonow RO, Braun LT, Creager MA, Franklin BA, et al. AHA/ACCF secondary prevention and risk reduction therapy for patients with coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease: 2011 update: a guideline from the American heart association and American college of cardiology foundation endorsed by the world heart federation and the preventive cardiovascular nurses association. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 58: 2432-2446. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.10.824] [PMID]
4. [4] McMurray J, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, Auricchio A, Böhm M, Dickstein K, et al. Task force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012 of the European society of cardiology; ESC committee for practice guidelines. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: the task force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012 of the European society of cardiology. developed in collaboration with the heart failure association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur J Heart Fail 2012; 14: 803-869.
5. [5] Members TF, Montalescot G, Sechtem U, Achenbach S, Andreotti F, Arden C, et al. 2013 ESC guidelines on the management of stable coronary artery disease: the Task Force on the management of stable coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 2013; 34: 2949-3003. [DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/eht296] [PMID]
6. [6] Cowie A, Buckley J, Doherty P, Furze G, Hayward J, Hinton S, et al. Standards and core components for cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation. Heart 2019; 105: 510-515. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2018-314206] [PMID] [PMCID]
7. [7] Piepoli MF, Corrà U, Adamopoulos S, Benzer W, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Cupples M, et al. Secondary prevention in the clinical management of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Core components, standards and outcome measures for referral and delivery: a policy statement from the cardiac rehabilitation section of the European association for cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation. endorsed by the committee for practice guidelines of the European society of cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014; 21: 664-681. [DOI:10.1177/2047487312449597] [PMID]
8. [8] Centre NC. National institute for health and care excellence: clinical guidelines. multiple sclerosis: management of multiple sclerosis in primary and secondary care. London: national institute for health and care excellence (UK) copyright (c) national clinical guideline centre. Nat Instit Health Care Excell London 2014.
9. [9] Nosratabadi M, Halvaiepour Z. The mediating role of social support on the relation between social capital and satisfaction with self-care program in patients referring to cardiac rehabilitation centers. Koomesh 2018; 20: 317-324. (Persian).
10. [10] Bethell H, Lewin R, Dalal H. Cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom. Heart 2009; 95: 271-275. [DOI:10.1136/hrt.2007.134338] [PMID]
11. [11] Anderson L, Oldridge N, Thompson DR, Zwisler AD, Rees K, Martin N, et al. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; 67: 1-12. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.10.044] [PMID]
12. [12] Heran BS, Chen JM, Ebrahim S, Moxham T, Oldridge N, Rees K, et al. Exercise‐based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 7: CD001800. [DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001800.pub2] [PMCID]
13. [13] Oldridge N, Streiner D, Hoffmann R, Guyatt G. Profile of mood states and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1995; 27: 900-905. [DOI:10.1249/00005768-199506000-00016] [PMID]
14. [14] Forman DE, Sanderson BK, Josephson RA, Raikhelkar J, Bittner V, Cardiology ACo. Heart failure as a newly approved diagnosis for cardiac rehabilitation: challenges and opportunities. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 65: 2652-2659. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.04.052] [PMID]
15. [15] Jones J, Buckley JP, Furze G, Doherty P, Speck L, Connolly S, et al. The BACPR standards and core components for cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation 2012. Br Assoc Cardiovascul Prev Rehabil 2012.
16. [16] Suaya JA, Shepard DS, Normand SL, Ades PA, Prottas J, Stason WB. Clinical perspective. Circulation 2007; 116: 1653-1662. [DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.701466] [PMID]
17. [17] Control Cf, Prevention. Receipt of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation among heart attack survivors--United States, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2008; 57: 89-94.
18. [18] Clark RA, Conway A, Poulsen V, Keech W, Tirimacco R, Tideman P. Alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 35-74. [DOI:10.1177/2047487313501093] [PMID]
19. [19] Maddison R, Rawstorn JC, Islam SMS, Ball K, Tighe S, Gant N, et al. mHealth interventions for exercise and risk factor modification in cardiovascular disease. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2019; 47: 86. [DOI:10.1249/JES.0000000000000185] [PMID] [PMCID]
20. [20] Rawstorn JC, Gant N, Direito A, Beckmann C, Maddison R. Telehealth exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2016; 102: 1183-1192. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2015-308966] [PMID]
21. [21] Kahn JG, Yang JS, Kahn JS. Mobile'health needs and opportunities in developing countries. Health Aff 2010; 29: 252-258. [DOI:10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0965] [PMID]
22. [22] Huang K, Liu W, He D, Huang B, Xiao D, Peng Y, et al. Telehealth interventions versus center-based cardiac rehabilitation of coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 959-971. [DOI:10.1177/2047487314561168] [PMID]
23. [23] Neubeck L, Redfern JU, Fernandez R, Briffa T, Bauman A, Freedman SB. Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2009; 16: 281-289. [DOI:10.1097/HJR.0b013e32832a4e7a] [PMID]
24. [24] Maddison R, Pfaeffli L, Whittaker R, Stewart R, Kerr A, Jiang Y, et al. A mobile phone intervention increases physical activity in people with cardiovascular disease: Results from the HEART randomized controlled trial. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 701-709. [DOI:10.1177/2047487314535076] [PMID]
25. [25] Varnfield M, Karunanithi M, Lee CK, Honeyman E, Arnold D, Ding H, et al. Smartphone-based home care model improved use of cardiac rehabilitation in postmyocardial infarction patients: results from a randomised controlled trial. Heart 2014; 100: 1770-1779. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305783] [PMID]
26. [26] Gandhi S, Chen S, Hong L, Sun K, Gong E, Li C, et al. Effect of mobile health interventions on the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33: 219-231. [DOI:10.1016/j.cjca.2016.08.017] [PMID]
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34. [34] Ghazi Saeedi M RnKS, Yassini M, Nouri R. Mobile health applications: analysis of scientific knowledge. Health Inform Manag 2017; 14: 8-44. (Persian).
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44. [44] Cajita MI, Hodgson NA, Lam KW, Yoo S, Han HR. Facilitators of and barriers to mHealth adoption in older adults with heart failure. Comput Inform Nurs 2018; 36: 376. [DOI:10.1097/CIN.0000000000000442] [PMID] [PMCID]
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48. [1] Naghavi M, Abajobir AA, Abbafati C, Abbas KM, Abd-Allah F, Abera SF, et al. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of disease study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1151-1210. [DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32152-9]
49. [2] Diem G, Brownson RC, Grabauskas V, Shatchkute A, Stachenko S. Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases through evidence-based public health: implementing the NCD 2020 action plan. Glob Health Promot 2016; 23: 5-13. [DOI:10.1177/1757975914567513] [PMID] [PMCID]
50. [3] Smith SC, Benjamin EJ, Bonow RO, Braun LT, Creager MA, Franklin BA, et al. AHA/ACCF secondary prevention and risk reduction therapy for patients with coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease: 2011 update: a guideline from the American heart association and American college of cardiology foundation endorsed by the world heart federation and the preventive cardiovascular nurses association. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011; 58: 2432-2446. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2011.10.824] [PMID]
51. [4] McMurray J, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, Auricchio A, Böhm M, Dickstein K, et al. Task force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012 of the European society of cardiology; ESC committee for practice guidelines. ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: the task force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012 of the European society of cardiology. developed in collaboration with the heart failure association (HFA) of the ESC. Eur J Heart Fail 2012; 14: 803-869.
52. [5] Members TF, Montalescot G, Sechtem U, Achenbach S, Andreotti F, Arden C, et al. 2013 ESC guidelines on the management of stable coronary artery disease: the Task Force on the management of stable coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 2013; 34: 2949-3003. [DOI:10.1093/eurheartj/eht296] [PMID]
53. [6] Cowie A, Buckley J, Doherty P, Furze G, Hayward J, Hinton S, et al. Standards and core components for cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation. Heart 2019; 105: 510-515. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2018-314206] [PMID] [PMCID]
54. [7] Piepoli MF, Corrà U, Adamopoulos S, Benzer W, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Cupples M, et al. Secondary prevention in the clinical management of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Core components, standards and outcome measures for referral and delivery: a policy statement from the cardiac rehabilitation section of the European association for cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation. endorsed by the committee for practice guidelines of the European society of cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014; 21: 664-681. [DOI:10.1177/2047487312449597] [PMID]
55. [8] Centre NC. National institute for health and care excellence: clinical guidelines. multiple sclerosis: management of multiple sclerosis in primary and secondary care. London: national institute for health and care excellence (UK) copyright (c) national clinical guideline centre. Nat Instit Health Care Excell London 2014.
56. [9] Nosratabadi M, Halvaiepour Z. The mediating role of social support on the relation between social capital and satisfaction with self-care program in patients referring to cardiac rehabilitation centers. Koomesh 2018; 20: 317-324. (Persian).
57. [10] Bethell H, Lewin R, Dalal H. Cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom. Heart 2009; 95: 271-275. [DOI:10.1136/hrt.2007.134338] [PMID]
58. [11] Anderson L, Oldridge N, Thompson DR, Zwisler AD, Rees K, Martin N, et al. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; 67: 1-12. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.10.044] [PMID]
59. [12] Heran BS, Chen JM, Ebrahim S, Moxham T, Oldridge N, Rees K, et al. Exercise‐based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 7: CD001800. [DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001800.pub2] [PMCID]
60. [13] Oldridge N, Streiner D, Hoffmann R, Guyatt G. Profile of mood states and cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1995; 27: 900-905. [DOI:10.1249/00005768-199506000-00016] [PMID]
61. [14] Forman DE, Sanderson BK, Josephson RA, Raikhelkar J, Bittner V, Cardiology ACo. Heart failure as a newly approved diagnosis for cardiac rehabilitation: challenges and opportunities. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 65: 2652-2659. [DOI:10.1016/j.jacc.2015.04.052] [PMID]
62. [15] Jones J, Buckley JP, Furze G, Doherty P, Speck L, Connolly S, et al. The BACPR standards and core components for cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation 2012. Br Assoc Cardiovascul Prev Rehabil 2012.
63. [16] Suaya JA, Shepard DS, Normand SL, Ades PA, Prottas J, Stason WB. Clinical perspective. Circulation 2007; 116: 1653-1662. [DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.701466] [PMID]
64. [17] Control Cf, Prevention. Receipt of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation among heart attack survivors--United States, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2008; 57: 89-94.
65. [18] Clark RA, Conway A, Poulsen V, Keech W, Tirimacco R, Tideman P. Alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 35-74. [DOI:10.1177/2047487313501093] [PMID]
66. [19] Maddison R, Rawstorn JC, Islam SMS, Ball K, Tighe S, Gant N, et al. mHealth interventions for exercise and risk factor modification in cardiovascular disease. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2019; 47: 86. [DOI:10.1249/JES.0000000000000185] [PMID] [PMCID]
67. [20] Rawstorn JC, Gant N, Direito A, Beckmann C, Maddison R. Telehealth exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2016; 102: 1183-1192. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2015-308966] [PMID]
68. [21] Kahn JG, Yang JS, Kahn JS. Mobile'health needs and opportunities in developing countries. Health Aff 2010; 29: 252-258. [DOI:10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0965] [PMID]
69. [22] Huang K, Liu W, He D, Huang B, Xiao D, Peng Y, et al. Telehealth interventions versus center-based cardiac rehabilitation of coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 959-971. [DOI:10.1177/2047487314561168] [PMID]
70. [23] Neubeck L, Redfern JU, Fernandez R, Briffa T, Bauman A, Freedman SB. Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2009; 16: 281-289. [DOI:10.1097/HJR.0b013e32832a4e7a] [PMID]
71. [24] Maddison R, Pfaeffli L, Whittaker R, Stewart R, Kerr A, Jiang Y, et al. A mobile phone intervention increases physical activity in people with cardiovascular disease: Results from the HEART randomized controlled trial. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22: 701-709. [DOI:10.1177/2047487314535076] [PMID]
72. [25] Varnfield M, Karunanithi M, Lee CK, Honeyman E, Arnold D, Ding H, et al. Smartphone-based home care model improved use of cardiac rehabilitation in postmyocardial infarction patients: results from a randomised controlled trial. Heart 2014; 100: 1770-1779. [DOI:10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305783] [PMID]
73. [26] Gandhi S, Chen S, Hong L, Sun K, Gong E, Li C, et al. Effect of mobile health interventions on the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33: 219-231. [DOI:10.1016/j.cjca.2016.08.017] [PMID]
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Farzandipour M, Farrokhian A, Nabovati E, Mirali K, Anvari Tafti S, Rajabi Moghadam H. Smartphone-based application for training outpatient cardiac rehabilitation: Design and usability evaluation. Koomesh 1399; 22 (4) :686-695
URL: http://koomeshjournal.semums.ac.ir/article-1-6234-fa.html

فرزندی پور مهرداد، فرخیان علیرضا، نبوتی احسان، میرعلی خدیجه، انوری تفتی شیما، رجبی مقدم حسن. برنامه کاربردی مبتنی بر تلفن هوشمند برای آموزش بازتوانی قلبی به بیماران سرپایی: طراحی و ارزیابی کاربردپذیری. كومش. 1399; 22 (4) :686-695

URL: http://koomeshjournal.semums.ac.ir/article-1-6234-fa.html

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