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:: جلد 23، شماره 1 - ( زمستان 1399 ) ::
جلد 23 شماره 1 صفحات 123-117 برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها
ارزیابی روش جدید ایجاد نوریت و مقایسه علایم آن با روش معمول گره زدن حول عصب سیاتیک در موش صحرایی نر بالغ
علی قنبری ، فاطمه شاهسون ، حسینعلی صفاخواه
چکیده:   (2469 مشاهده)
هدف: مدل‌های حیوانی متعددی برای مطالعه درد نوروپاتیک معرفی شده است که معمول‌ترین آن‌ها روش گره‌زدن روی عصب است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی درد نوروپاتیک به‌دنبال پیچیدن نخ کرومیک به دور عصب سیاتیک بدون گره‌زدن آن به‌عنوان یک مدل بود. مواد و روش‌ها: در این مطالعه از 30 سر موش صحرایی نر بالغ با وزن 220-180 گرم، در3 گروه (شم، گره روی عصب، پیچاندن نخ حول عصب) استفاده گردید. جهت ایجاد ضایعه فشاری مزمن (CCI) با استفاده از نخ کرومیک چهار گره قابل حرکت به فاصله یک میلی‌متر بر روی عصب ایجاد نمودیم. در گروه پیچاندن نخ حول عصب، نخ کرومیک را چهار دور بدون گره زدن حول عصب پیچانده و در گروه شم پس از رؤیت عصب، پوست و عضلات دوخته شد. آلودینیای مکانیکی و هایپرآلژزی حرارتی به‌ترتیب توسط فیلامان‌های وون فری و دستگاه پلانتار هر 4 روز یک‌بار به مدت 3 هفته آزمایش شد. یافته‌ها: گره بر روی عصب به‌طور معناداری موجب آلودینیای مکانیکی (01/0P
واژه‌های کلیدی: درد نورپاتیک، آلودینیای مکانیکی، هایپرآلژزی حرارتی
متن کامل [PDF 851 kb]   (643 دریافت)    
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: عمومى
دریافت: 1398/10/1 | پذیرش: 1399/3/24 | انتشار: 1399/11/4
فهرست منابع
1. [1] Campbell JN, Meyer RA. Mechanisms of neuropathic pain. Neuron 2006; 52: 77-92. [DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2006.09.021] [PMID] [PMCID]
2. [2] Gordon Smith A, Robinson Singleton J. Idiopathic neuropathy, prediabetes and the metabolic syndrome. J Neurol Sci 2006; 242: 9-14. [DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2005.11.020] [PMID]
3. [3] Khan N, Smith MT. Multiple sclerosis-induced neuropathic pain: pharmacological management and pathophysiological insights from rodent EAE models. Inflammopharmacology 2014; 22: 1-22. [DOI:10.1007/s10787-013-0195-3] [PMID] [PMCID]
4. [4] Watson JC, Sandroni P. Central neuropathic pain syndromes. Mayo Clin Proc 2016; 91: 372-385. [DOI:10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.01.017] [PMID]
5. [5] Yoon SY, Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain: prevalence, pathophysiology, and management. Korean J Intern Med 2018; 33: 1058-1069. [DOI:10.3904/kjim.2018.162] [PMID] [PMCID]
6. [6] Scholz J, Woolf CJ. The neuropathic pain triad: neurons, immune cells and glia. Nature Neurosci 2007; 10: 1361-1368. [DOI:10.1038/nn1992] [PMID]
7. [7] Negi G, Kumar A, Joshi RP, Sharma SS. Oxidative stress and Nrf2 in the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy: old perspective with a new angle. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2011; 408: 1-5. [DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.03.087] [PMID]
8. [8] Austin PJ, Moalem-Taylor G. The neuro-immune balance in neuropathic pain: involvement of inflammatory immune cells, immune-like glial cells and cytokines. J Neuroimmunology 2010; 229: 26-50. [DOI:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2010.08.013] [PMID]
9. [9] Ma F, Zhang L, Lyons D, Westlund KN. Orofacial neuropathic pain mouse model induced by Trigeminal Inflammatory Compression (TIC) of the infraorbital nerve. Mol Brain 2012; 5: 44. [DOI:10.1186/1756-6606-5-44] [PMID] [PMCID]
10. [10] Menorca RM, Fussell TS, Elfar JC. Nerve physiology: mechanisms of injury and recovery. Hand Clin 2013; 29: 317-330. [DOI:10.1016/j.hcl.2013.04.002] [PMID] [PMCID]
11. [11] Bennett GJ, Xie YK. A peripheral mononeuropathy in rat that produces disorders of pain sensation like those seen in man. Pain 1988; 33: 87-107. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(88)90209-6]
12. [12] Kim SH, Chung JM. An experimental model for peripheral neuropathy produced by segmental spinal nerve ligation in the rat. Pain 1992; 50: 355-363. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(92)90041-9]
13. [13] Seltzer Z, Dubner R, Shir Y. A novel behavioral model of neuropathic pain disorders produced in rats by partial sciatic nerve injury. Pain 1990; 43: 205-218. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(90)91074-S]
14. [14] Devor M. Sensory basis of autotomy in rats. Pain 1991; 45: 109-110. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(91)90174-V]
15. [15] Flatters SJ, Bennett GJ. Ethosuximide reverses paclitaxel- and vincristine-induced painful peripheral neuropathy. Pain 2004; 109: 150-161. [DOI:10.1016/j.pain.2004.01.029] [PMID]
16. [16] Kernisant M, Gear RW, Jasmin L, Vit JP, Ohara PT. Chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve in the rat using modified syringe needle. J Neurosci Methods 2008; 172: 43-47. [DOI:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2008.04.013] [PMID] [PMCID]
17. [17] Jaggi AS, Jain V, Singh N. Animal models of neuropathic pain. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2011; 25: 1-28. [DOI:10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00801.x] [PMID]
18. [18] Ro LS, Jacobs JM. The role of the saphenous nerve in experimental sciatic nerve mononeuropathy produced by loose ligatures: a behavioural study. Pain 1993; 52: 359-369. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(93)90170-T]
19. [19] Challa SR. Surgical animal models of neuropathic pain: Pros and Cons. Int J Neurosci 2015; 125: 170-174. [DOI:10.3109/00207454.2014.922559] [PMID]
20. [20] Kumar A, Kaur H, Singh A. Neuropathic Pain models caused by damage to central or peripheral nervous system. Pharmacol Rep 2018; 70: 206-216. [DOI:10.1016/j.pharep.2017.09.009] [PMID]
21. [21] Said G, Hontebeyrie-Joskowicz M. Nerve lesions induced by macrophage activation. Res Immunol 1992; 143: 589-599. [DOI:10.1016/0923-2494(92)80040-R]
22. [22] Ren K. An improved method for assessing mechanical allodynia in the rat. Physiol Behav 1999; 67: 711-716. [DOI:10.1016/S0031-9384(99)00136-5]
23. [23] Tal M, Bennett GJ. Extra-territorial pain in rats with a peripheral mononeuropathy: mechano-hyperalgesia and mechano-allodynia in the territory of an uninjured nerve. Pain 1994; 57: 375-382. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(94)90013-2]
24. [24] Safakhah HA, Bazargani A, Ghanbari A. Effects of forced exercise on neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve in male rat. Koomesh 2016; 17: 411-418. (Persian).
25. [25] Safakhah HA, Tamimi F, Bandegi AR, Ghanbari A. Hypoalgesic effect of Spirulina platensis on the sciatic neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury in male rats. Biomed Res Ther 2018; 5: 2671-2679. (Persian). [DOI:10.15419/bmrat.v5i9.477]
26. [26] He Z, Guo Q, Xiao M, He C, Zou W. Intrathecal lentivirus-mediated transfer of interleukin-10 attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain through modulation of spinal high-mobility group box 1 in rats. Pain Physician 2013; 16: E615-625.
27. [27] Grace PM, Fabisiak TJ, Green-Fulgham SM, Anderson ND, Strand KA, Kwilasz AJ, et al. Prior voluntary wheel running attenuates neuropathic pain. Pain 2016; 157: 2012-2023. [DOI:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000607] [PMID] [PMCID]
28. [28] Cobianchi S, Marinelli S, Florenzano F, Pavone F, Luvisetto S. Short- but not long-lasting treadmill running reduces allodynia and improves functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury. Neuroscience 2010; 168: 273-287. [DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.035] [PMID]
29. [29] Mansikka H, Sheth R, DeVries C, Lee H, Winchurch R, Raja S. Nerve injury-induced mechanical but not thermal hyperalgesia is attenuated in neurokinin-1 receptor knockout mice. Exp Neurol 2000; 162: 343-349. [DOI:10.1006/exnr.1999.7336] [PMID]
30. [30] Suzuki R, Rygh LJ, Dickenson AH. Bad news from the brain: descending 5-HT pathways that control spinal pain processing. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2004; 25: 613-617. [DOI:10.1016/j.tips.2004.10.002] [PMID]
31. [31] Malmberg AB, Basbaum AI. Partial sciatic nerve injury in the mouse as a model of neuropathic pain: behavioral and neuroanatomical correlates. Pain 1998; 76: 215-222. [DOI:10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00045-1]
32. [32] Cao YQ, Mantyh PW, Carlson EJ, Gillespie AM, Epstein CJ, Basbaum AI. Primary afferent tachykinins are required to experience moderate to intense pain. Nature 1998; 392: 390. [DOI:10.1038/32897] [PMID]
33. [33] Arevalo MI, Escribano E, Calpena A, Domenech J, Queralt J. Thermal hyperalgesia and light touch allodynia after intradermal Mycobacterium butyricum administration in rat. Inflammation 2003; 27: 293-299. [DOI:10.1023/A:1026076426664] [PMID]
34. [34] Watkins LR, Maier SF. Beyond neurons: evidence that immune and glial cells contribute to pathological pain states. Physiol Rev 2002; 82: 981-1011. [DOI:10.1152/physrev.00011.2002] [PMID]
35. [35] Koltzenburg M, Torebjork HE, Wahren LK. Nociceptor modulated central sensitization causes mechanical hyperalgesia in acute chemogenic and chronic neuropathic pain. Brain J Neurol 1994; 117: 579-591. [DOI:10.1093/brain/117.3.579] [PMID]
36. [36] Sousa AM, Lages GV, Pereira CL, Slullitel A. Experimental models for the study of neuropathic pain. Revista Dor 2016; 17: 27-30. [DOI:10.5935/1806-0013.20160043]
37. [37] Ossipov MH, Bian D, Malan TP, Jr., Lai J, Porreca F. Lack of involvement of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents in nerve-ligation injury induced tactile allodynia in rats. Pain 1999; 79: 127-133. [DOI:10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00187-0]
38. [38] Zhang ET, Ossipov MH, Zhang DQ, Lai J, Porreca F. Nerve injury-induced tactile allodynia is present in the absence of FOS labeling in retrogradely labeled post-synaptic dorsal column neurons. Pain 2007; 129: 143-154. [DOI:10.1016/j.pain.2006.10.009] [PMID] [PMCID]
39. [1] Campbell JN, Meyer RA. Mechanisms of neuropathic pain. Neuron 2006; 52: 77-92. [DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2006.09.021] [PMID] [PMCID]
40. [2] Gordon Smith A, Robinson Singleton J. Idiopathic neuropathy, prediabetes and the metabolic syndrome. J Neurol Sci 2006; 242: 9-14. [DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2005.11.020] [PMID]
41. [3] Khan N, Smith MT. Multiple sclerosis-induced neuropathic pain: pharmacological management and pathophysiological insights from rodent EAE models. Inflammopharmacology 2014; 22: 1-22. [DOI:10.1007/s10787-013-0195-3] [PMID] [PMCID]
42. [4] Watson JC, Sandroni P. Central neuropathic pain syndromes. Mayo Clin Proc 2016; 91: 372-385. [DOI:10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.01.017] [PMID]
43. [5] Yoon SY, Oh J. Neuropathic cancer pain: prevalence, pathophysiology, and management. Korean J Intern Med 2018; 33: 1058-1069. [DOI:10.3904/kjim.2018.162] [PMID] [PMCID]
44. [6] Scholz J, Woolf CJ. The neuropathic pain triad: neurons, immune cells and glia. Nature Neurosci 2007; 10: 1361-1368. [DOI:10.1038/nn1992] [PMID]
45. [7] Negi G, Kumar A, Joshi RP, Sharma SS. Oxidative stress and Nrf2 in the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy: old perspective with a new angle. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2011; 408: 1-5. [DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.03.087] [PMID]
46. [8] Austin PJ, Moalem-Taylor G. The neuro-immune balance in neuropathic pain: involvement of inflammatory immune cells, immune-like glial cells and cytokines. J Neuroimmunology 2010; 229: 26-50. [DOI:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2010.08.013] [PMID]
47. [9] Ma F, Zhang L, Lyons D, Westlund KN. Orofacial neuropathic pain mouse model induced by Trigeminal Inflammatory Compression (TIC) of the infraorbital nerve. Mol Brain 2012; 5: 44. [DOI:10.1186/1756-6606-5-44] [PMID] [PMCID]
48. [10] Menorca RM, Fussell TS, Elfar JC. Nerve physiology: mechanisms of injury and recovery. Hand Clin 2013; 29: 317-330. [DOI:10.1016/j.hcl.2013.04.002] [PMID] [PMCID]
49. [11] Bennett GJ, Xie YK. A peripheral mononeuropathy in rat that produces disorders of pain sensation like those seen in man. Pain 1988; 33: 87-107. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(88)90209-6]
50. [12] Kim SH, Chung JM. An experimental model for peripheral neuropathy produced by segmental spinal nerve ligation in the rat. Pain 1992; 50: 355-363. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(92)90041-9]
51. [13] Seltzer Z, Dubner R, Shir Y. A novel behavioral model of neuropathic pain disorders produced in rats by partial sciatic nerve injury. Pain 1990; 43: 205-218. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(90)91074-S]
52. [14] Devor M. Sensory basis of autotomy in rats. Pain 1991; 45: 109-110. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(91)90174-V]
53. [15] Flatters SJ, Bennett GJ. Ethosuximide reverses paclitaxel- and vincristine-induced painful peripheral neuropathy. Pain 2004; 109: 150-161. [DOI:10.1016/j.pain.2004.01.029] [PMID]
54. [16] Kernisant M, Gear RW, Jasmin L, Vit JP, Ohara PT. Chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve in the rat using modified syringe needle. J Neurosci Methods 2008; 172: 43-47. [DOI:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2008.04.013] [PMID] [PMCID]
55. [17] Jaggi AS, Jain V, Singh N. Animal models of neuropathic pain. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2011; 25: 1-28. [DOI:10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00801.x] [PMID]
56. [18] Ro LS, Jacobs JM. The role of the saphenous nerve in experimental sciatic nerve mononeuropathy produced by loose ligatures: a behavioural study. Pain 1993; 52: 359-369. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(93)90170-T]
57. [19] Challa SR. Surgical animal models of neuropathic pain: Pros and Cons. Int J Neurosci 2015; 125: 170-174. [DOI:10.3109/00207454.2014.922559] [PMID]
58. [20] Kumar A, Kaur H, Singh A. Neuropathic Pain models caused by damage to central or peripheral nervous system. Pharmacol Rep 2018; 70: 206-216. [DOI:10.1016/j.pharep.2017.09.009] [PMID]
59. [21] Said G, Hontebeyrie-Joskowicz M. Nerve lesions induced by macrophage activation. Res Immunol 1992; 143: 589-599. [DOI:10.1016/0923-2494(92)80040-R]
60. [22] Ren K. An improved method for assessing mechanical allodynia in the rat. Physiol Behav 1999; 67: 711-716. [DOI:10.1016/S0031-9384(99)00136-5]
61. [23] Tal M, Bennett GJ. Extra-territorial pain in rats with a peripheral mononeuropathy: mechano-hyperalgesia and mechano-allodynia in the territory of an uninjured nerve. Pain 1994; 57: 375-382. [DOI:10.1016/0304-3959(94)90013-2]
62. [24] Safakhah HA, Bazargani A, Ghanbari A. Effects of forced exercise on neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve in male rat. Koomesh 2016; 17: 411-418. (Persian).
63. [25] Safakhah HA, Tamimi F, Bandegi AR, Ghanbari A. Hypoalgesic effect of Spirulina platensis on the sciatic neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury in male rats. Biomed Res Ther 2018; 5: 2671-2679. (Persian). [DOI:10.15419/bmrat.v5i9.477]
64. [26] He Z, Guo Q, Xiao M, He C, Zou W. Intrathecal lentivirus-mediated transfer of interleukin-10 attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain through modulation of spinal high-mobility group box 1 in rats. Pain Physician 2013; 16: E615-625.
65. [27] Grace PM, Fabisiak TJ, Green-Fulgham SM, Anderson ND, Strand KA, Kwilasz AJ, et al. Prior voluntary wheel running attenuates neuropathic pain. Pain 2016; 157: 2012-2023. [DOI:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000607] [PMID] [PMCID]
66. [28] Cobianchi S, Marinelli S, Florenzano F, Pavone F, Luvisetto S. Short- but not long-lasting treadmill running reduces allodynia and improves functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury. Neuroscience 2010; 168: 273-287. [DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.03.035] [PMID]
67. [29] Mansikka H, Sheth R, DeVries C, Lee H, Winchurch R, Raja S. Nerve injury-induced mechanical but not thermal hyperalgesia is attenuated in neurokinin-1 receptor knockout mice. Exp Neurol 2000; 162: 343-349. [DOI:10.1006/exnr.1999.7336] [PMID]
68. [30] Suzuki R, Rygh LJ, Dickenson AH. Bad news from the brain: descending 5-HT pathways that control spinal pain processing. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2004; 25: 613-617. [DOI:10.1016/j.tips.2004.10.002] [PMID]
69. [31] Malmberg AB, Basbaum AI. Partial sciatic nerve injury in the mouse as a model of neuropathic pain: behavioral and neuroanatomical correlates. Pain 1998; 76: 215-222. [DOI:10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00045-1]
70. [32] Cao YQ, Mantyh PW, Carlson EJ, Gillespie AM, Epstein CJ, Basbaum AI. Primary afferent tachykinins are required to experience moderate to intense pain. Nature 1998; 392: 390. [DOI:10.1038/32897] [PMID]
71. [33] Arevalo MI, Escribano E, Calpena A, Domenech J, Queralt J. Thermal hyperalgesia and light touch allodynia after intradermal Mycobacterium butyricum administration in rat. Inflammation 2003; 27: 293-299. [DOI:10.1023/A:1026076426664] [PMID]
72. [34] Watkins LR, Maier SF. Beyond neurons: evidence that immune and glial cells contribute to pathological pain states. Physiol Rev 2002; 82: 981-1011. [DOI:10.1152/physrev.00011.2002] [PMID]
73. [35] Koltzenburg M, Torebjork HE, Wahren LK. Nociceptor modulated central sensitization causes mechanical hyperalgesia in acute chemogenic and chronic neuropathic pain. Brain J Neurol 1994; 117: 579-591. [DOI:10.1093/brain/117.3.579] [PMID]
74. [36] Sousa AM, Lages GV, Pereira CL, Slullitel A. Experimental models for the study of neuropathic pain. Revista Dor 2016; 17: 27-30. [DOI:10.5935/1806-0013.20160043]
75. [37] Ossipov MH, Bian D, Malan TP, Jr., Lai J, Porreca F. Lack of involvement of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents in nerve-ligation injury induced tactile allodynia in rats. Pain 1999; 79: 127-133. [DOI:10.1016/S0304-3959(98)00187-0]
76. [38] Zhang ET, Ossipov MH, Zhang DQ, Lai J, Porreca F. Nerve injury-induced tactile allodynia is present in the absence of FOS labeling in retrogradely labeled post-synaptic dorsal column neurons. Pain 2007; 129: 143-154. [DOI:10.1016/j.pain.2006.10.009] [PMID] [PMCID]
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Ghanbari A L, Shahsavan F, Safakhah H A. Evaluation of new method to induce neuritis and comparison its symptoms with current chronic constriction injury method in male rat. Koomesh 1399; 23 (1) :117-123
URL: http://koomeshjournal.semums.ac.ir/article-1-6093-fa.html

قنبری علی، شاهسون فاطمه، صفاخواه حسینعلی. ارزیابی روش جدید ایجاد نوریت و مقایسه علایم آن با روش معمول گره زدن حول عصب سیاتیک در موش صحرایی نر بالغ. كومش. 1399; 23 (1) :117-123

URL: http://koomeshjournal.semums.ac.ir/article-1-6093-fa.html

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