:: Volume 24, Issue 6 (November and December 2022 2022) ::
Koomesh 2022, 24(6): 767-775 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Super-Brain Yoga on Consolidation and Reconsolidation-Based Stabilization of Motor Memory
Fatemeh Mohtasham , Parvaneh Shamsipour dehkordi , Maryam Rahimian Mashhadi , Mandana Sangari
Abstract:   (459 Views)
Introduction: In recent years, yoga has been used as an intervention to improve memory function. The present study aims to investigate the effect of super-brain yoga practices on the consolidation and reconsolidation of motor memory in young girls.
Materials and Methods: Participants were 24 young girls in Lendeh, selected based on the inclusion criteria of the study and then randomly divided into two groups: experimental group (performing ten blocks of 80 trials in the acquisition phase, performing super brain yoga, recalling the tasks after 15 minutes and performing the retention test after one hour) and the control group (performing ten blocks of 80 trials in the acquisition phase, recalling the tasks after 14 days from the last training block of the acquisition phase and performing the retention test after one hour). Data was collected using the Altering Serial Reaction Time Task.
Results: The results of variance analysis with the repeated measure in acquiring phase demonstrated that the subjects’ performance improved during the training trials (P<0.05) and the subjects had a better performance in the ninth and tenth training blocks than in the first. In the first retention test, both the super brain yoga group and control group made progress (P<0.05), however, the super brain yoga group made more progress than the latter. In the second memory test, the yoga practice group performed better than in the first retention test and the tenth training block.
Conclusion: Remarkably, the results of the study show that applying the intervention super brain yoga not only led to memory inhibition but also acted as a facilitator for consolidating and reconsolidating motor memory
Keywords: Motor Memory Consolidation, Memory Reconsolidation, super brain yoga
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/07/1 | Accepted: 2022/05/21 | Published: 2022/11/28

Ethics code: 1399.890 IR.SSRI.REC.

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Volume 24, Issue 6 (November and December 2022 2022) Back to browse issues page