:: Volume 1, Issue 4 (5-1379) ::
Koomesh 1379, 1(4): 53-57 Back to browse issues page
Seroepidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection in Semnan
A. مرادی , A. رشیدی پور
Abstract:   (13503 Views)
Introduction. One of the most common micro biol infect io ns in human be ings IS He lico bacter Pylori, T he infe cted people are mor e infected to such dis ease s the chro nic intlamation of the peptic ulcers a nd malignan cies of the digestive system, The aim of this re se arch is to study the infec ting patt ern in various age groups and determine the ra te of infe ction in Semnan ( I'J'J'J), Materials and Methods. Cluster sampling was perfor med in th is st udy, Cluste rs/ho use ho lds were chose n systemat ica lly. one member of each hou sehold was chosen by cha nce a nd taken 3 rnl blood , T he serum was se pa rated fro m the blood a nd the n the level of antibody IgG in serum was measured by using E LISA meth od , Se rums more than 30 mR/ml ant ibody IgG considered as positive , Th e data were a na lyse d by Chi-Square test a nd P < O,OS was co nsidered as sign ificant. Results. T he resu lts indicate d that 4K% of the Se rnna n pop ulau on infected to He lico bacte r pylori, T his ra te be gun from the first to seventh decades. 22% , 3K%. 40%, 45%. 62%. 64% a nd 65%. respective ly a nd there was sign ificant association betwee n prevalence of He licobacter pylori a nd the peo ples age (P = O.OOOO) Conclusion. Findings indi cate by increasing the age , the infection increases too . As a resul t. most infec tion occ urred in the first. second a nd fifth decad es of lifet ime.
Keywords: Hel icobacter pylor i: Chronic intlama tion, Pe pt ic ulcer, Digest ive muligna ncy: E LISA: Antibody IgG
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2009/01/21 | Published: 2000/08/15

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Volume 1, Issue 4 (5-1379) Back to browse issues page